5. 伊夫·克莱因 《真空中的跳跃》,1960-1992年 高清作品[91%]


图片文件尺寸 : 4073 x 5409px

Photographie en noir et blanc
Edition à seulement 3 exemplaires, celle-ci signée par Harry Schunk et annotée AP (artist\'s proof)
Conçue en 1960 et imprimée en 1992 par Harry Schunk
Cachet du photographe au dos
124 x 100 cm

伊夫·克莱因 《真空中的跳跃》,1960-1992年

下载伊夫·克莱因 《真空中的跳跃》,1960-1992年大图

6. 盖里克,奥托·冯。1602-1686. 尝试新的马格德堡,真空空间。阿姆斯特丹:约翰内斯·扬松·瓦斯贝格,1672年。 高清作品[77%]

Experimenta nova  Magdeburgica, de vacuo spatio.  Amsterdam: Johannes Jansson Waesberge, 1672.

图片文件尺寸 : 5036 x 4342px

GUERICKE, OTTO VON. 1602-1686. :Experimenta nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica, de vacuo spatio. Amsterdam: Johannes Jansson Waesberge, 1672.
Folio (313 x 192 mm). Engraved portrait frontispiece, engraved additional title and 7 full-page engraved plates (one repeated), 2 double-page engraved plates and 24 engraved diagrams and figures in text. Contemporary calf, rebacked. Some light browning and staining.
Provenance: Institution of Naval Architects, Scott Library Collection (bookplate).

FIRST EDITION of Guericke\'s record of the famous 1657 Magdeburg experiments with air and vacuum, in which he demonstrated that two copper hemispheres could not be pulled apart by teams of horses once a vacuum was created. \"A book of prime importance in electrical discovery, air-pressure and the vacuum pump\' states Dibner, though Guericke was a Copernican and \'his experimental work represented only one facet of his attempt to reach a complete physical world view.\' As the sub-title makes clear, his book also dealt with the problems of empty space and the movement of heavenly bodies, making \'infinite space ... a conceptual possibility\" (DSB V, p 576). Dibner Heralds 55; Grolier/Horblit 44; Sparrow Milestones of Science 90; NLM/Krivatsy 5074; Norman 952; Wellcome III, p 175; Wheeler Gift 170.

盖里克,奥托·冯。1602-1686. 尝试新的马格德堡,真空空间。阿姆斯特丹:约翰内斯·扬松·瓦斯贝格,1672年。

下载盖里克,奥托·冯。1602-1686. 尝试新的马格德堡,真空空间。阿姆斯特丹:约翰内斯·扬松·瓦斯贝格,1672年。大图